I offer 1:1 support plus retreats, workshops, and trainings virtually and in person. I lived and studied yoga in the jungles of Costa Rica for most of my early adult life, which ignited my personal transformation journey.

I've had the privilege to travel the world to learn from and work alongside many master teachers and pioneers in the fields of wellness, personal growth and spirituality ranging from meditating with Indian mystics in the Himalayas to assisting Dr. Joe Dispenza.

I use intuitive guidance coupled with over a decade of professional training to help you release what's holding you back from living a life of pleasure, abundance and soul-nourishing love. 


My multidisciplinary approach moves beyond mainstream coaching

to reveal and to forgive the root causes of various health and life concerns including:

  • Emotional Eating
  • Anxiety
  • Self-Sabotage
  • Relationship Challenges
  • Body Shame
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Money Blocks

Everything is connected. Though it takes self-inquiry, dedication and devotion to transform our health and our lives, I teach you how to navigate these shifts with ease and delight. It doesn't have to be a struggle. I learned this the hard way...


I pretty much grew up on fast food and cigarettes. What I consumed was not a concern for me. I ate anything and everything I wanted (most of which happened to be artificial processed junk food). I was also known as the 'slut' growing up. Yep, just for following my natural desires and hormonal shifts. Years of mindless eating and unconscious sex led to years of strict dieting and celibacy which led to a severely compromised relationship with food, body image and feminine power. I was disconnected from my womb, to the extent my menstrual cycle disappeared for ten years. Self-sabotaging habits in many areas of my life lead to me hitting rock bottom. I was in a dark place, and I couldn't see my way out. 

Even my parents felt helpless and devastated and considered admitting me to an in-patient facility for people with eating disorders as a last attempt to save my life.

During this time however, I did practice yoga and meditation regularly. One day, a moment arrived when I looked at myself in the mirror and just knew it was time to transform. I felt it in my bones (which is pretty much all I had left at the time). It was as if I were touched by a miracle. From that day on, I chose to 'come back to life'. And it truly has been a complete metamorphosis.

Through embodiment practices, lots of patience, lifestyle changes and self-love I was able to take the necessary steps to get back on track to feeling whole again.

While traditional yoga educated me in yogic philosophy (which has been a highly valuable handbook for life), provided me with an intro to my spiritual path and taught me how to lean into discomfort while staying centered and present in the midst of chaos, I do have to admit that it also created a sense of contraction through the fact that the yogic path could be described as linear and in many ways a very ‘masculine’ practice.

Through my exposure to Tantra and Taoist teachings I realized that while I was learning valuable lessons through yoga, there was still something essential missing for a complete sense of wellbeing and 'balance'...

Somehow I had misunderstood that in order to be a good Yogi I had to renunciate that which is naturally feminine to my being — the most crucial energy for creating life and healing: sexual energy!

Tantra and Tao teaches in many ways the exact opposite to yoga, though I discovered that it is in fact the other side of the same coin. After embarking on these new studies it became clear to me that I needed to incorporate these teachings and create a fusion in order to embody a more complete and authentic version of myself.

After a decade of complete disconnect from my body's wisdom and cycles, I could finally see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel. My rock bottom was a new beginning, not the end! My pain unlocked my purpose. I get chills when I recall the unfolding of events, as it truly felt like a rebirth. My reality shifted completely, and I now live from a place of intuition, trust, play, worthiness and love. I choose to see my body as an expression of the 'Divine' and pleasure as a pathway to not only physical vitality but also personal empowerment, spiritual growth and mystical abilities. I have a deep yearning to spread this message with women who want to release trauma, clear ancestral patterns, awaken pleasure, regulate their menstrual cycle, reconnect with their innate Womb Wisdom, attract what they desire and reclaim their full feminine potential.

I'm calling in a world where women consciously release their perceived limitations and develop greater trust in their potential to heal and grow through pleasure and self-love. It's never too late to begin again! Whatever 'season of life' you are in, whatever you've been through... This moment is an opportunity to say 'yes' to your evolution... to slow down, breathe deeper and tune into the sensations alive in your body... to contemplate your deepest desires and highest visions... to awaken your passion, courage and trust. And most importantly, to be gentle with yourself along the way. I'm here to support you in remembering your inherent self-healing potential and reclaiming the wisdom of your body. As you allow yourself to transform on this level, you break the chains of the past, release all perceived limitations and therefore spark the beginning of a new future... a future of harmony, sovereignty and abundance for generations to come.

The time is now to remember who you are: the vessel between the Earth and the Sky. Balance your logical side and intuitive side; your physical and non-physical; your sex and your spirit, your Yin and your Yang — in order to reveal the joy, prosperity, freedom and ecstasy that is your birthright.

All I have to say is: If I can do it, you can too!


Do you believe in miracles? I do.


Own your voice, embrace your true desires, and get ready to make your dreams a reality.

Education & Certificates

Professional Studies

Under the guidance of Don and Amba Stapleton, Ph.D. at Nosara Yoga Institute, I've completed over 500 hours of training including Interdisciplinary Yoga, Pranassage Bodywork, and HeartRise Children's Teacher Training. Additional yogic studies include Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Tantra Yoga and Vipassana Meditation. I am also a certified Tao Tantric Arts Practitioner specializing in Qi Gong, Shamanic Chinese Medicine, Integrative Energy Healing, Breathwork, Dynamic Meditation, Trauma Informed Leadership, Self-Massage and Jade Egg Practice for women. I also specialize in teaching Yoga Philosophy. My teachings are all rooted in ancient traditions yet adapted for modern times in order to make them accessible and fun.

Graduate & Board Certified Health Coach

Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC

Undergraduate Degree in Journalism

University of Rhode Island

Member + Contributor

American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Columbia University Teacher's College

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