Yonicorn Organic Herbal Steaming Blend


Yonicorn Organic Herbal Steaming Blend is a union of medicinal herbs intended to support vaginal and womb health.  

The ancient practice of yoni steaming has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures to support womb health, balance pH, prevent chronic infections and assist with menstrual discomfort and irregular periods.

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Yonicorn Organic Herbal Steaming Blend is a union of medicinal herbs intended to support vaginal and womb health.  

The ancient practice of yoni steaming has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures to support womb health, balance pH, prevent chronic infections and assist with menstrual discomfort and irregular periods. 

The word ‘Yoni’ means sacred space in the Sanskrit language. It is the portal through which we all came into this world, so the word Yoni is ultimately giving reverence to the mystery and magic of this part of a woman’s body. 

Yoni Steaming originated in Africa and is nowadays regularly practiced by women from all over the world. Our Yonicorn Organic Herbal Steaming Blend assists in protecting the wombspace from various imbalances including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, fibroids, cysts, fertility issues, irregular menstrual cycles, miscarriage and PMS.

Here are some more benefits of starting a Yoni steaming practice…

  • Assists women in connecting with their ancestral roots
  • Helps women connect with their feminine energy
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Relieves overall emotional tension
  • Improves body image and confidence 
  • Enhances creativity and sensuality
  • Prevents vaginal dryness
  • Promotes restful sleep

Our ‘Yoniversal blend’* is suitable for most womb bearers, including those who have had a hysterectomy and/or are in menopause. You can still work with the energetic womb region, and it’s never too late to start. 

Our blend includes the following magical herbs: raspberry leaf, motherwort, lavender, basil, chamomile, red rose petals, rosemary and calendula. Whether your desire is to balance your vaginal health, enhance your libido and/or awaken the Divine Feminine energy within you, we’ve got you covered. Well actually, you’ll be covering us…

Here’s how it works:

Yoni steaming herbs are mixed with boiling water to create a tea for your V! Yep, you heard it! You can use a yoni steaming sauna or squat over a pot (make sure to cover the sides of the pot with a towel so you down burn your bum — trust me, I’ve tried to ‘hover’. Ouch.) We recommend using a towel over your legs to keep the steam in, whether using an actual Yoni sauna or a pot. You can find some cool Yoni saunas on Etsy (that’s where I got mine). Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to making Yoni saunas! ;-) 

The warm steam helps to increase blood circulation which is great for strengthening and toning the vaginal and uterine tissue. The natural essential oils from the herbs nourish the womb, just as drinking herbal tea has tremendous benefits for your body. 

You’ll use approximately 1-2 TBSP of herbs in 2 quarts of purified water per steam. 

Always make sure the water is warm but not too hot before sitting down to steam.

Enjoy your steamy self-love meditation! ;-)

We suggest steaming  2-4 times per month. You may choose to steam just before and just after your menstrual cycle, or once per menstrual phase/moon cycle. Let your womb decide!

Here’s the breakdown of our out-of-this-galaxy blend:


Motherwort is best known for easing muscle tension, helping to relieve cramping as a result. Don’t forget to add this herb to your Yoni steaming list!  


Promote relaxation and support the menstrual flow with lavender on your side!


Right after giving birth, calendula can swoop in to soothe and promote healthy scarring.


Rose petals help soften the outside skin barrier and leave a fresh, floral scent behind. Amazing!


Helps tone uterine muscles.  


Can promote feelings of calmness and reduce anxiousness that comes with more difficult menstrual periods. 


Awakens the senses and has amazing antibacterial properties. 


In order to strengthen the uterus and ease occasional menstrual cramps, make basil your new friend!   


*This product is not FDA-approved.

*The Yoniversal blend is safe to use to help prevent infections, regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce inflammation, support fertility and cleanse the vagina and womb space. All Yonis welcome! 



Contraindications: We recommend avoiding yoni steaming if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, if you are actively bleeding and if you have an IUD. 


Disclaimer: Yoni steaming is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We always recommend you seek the support of your physician or health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a specific medical concern. Do not refuse professional medical advice or avoid seeking it because of anything you have learned on this website. 


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