Shayna’s Sensual Smoothie Bowl Recipe 🐍

I am so proud of myself for finally sitting down to write about one of my most pleasure-filled and nourishing daily rituals. I often receive requests to share recipes of my daily superfood smoothie bowls that I just can’t help but share with the world on social media. I mean… it’s truly art! My career…

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Mushroom Flax Taco Dinner {RECIPE}

Mexican food does not have to be unhealthy! In fact, it can be uber good for you if you make it like this. Give your body what it needs by substituting meat with portobello mushrooms. Skip the cheese and opt for ripe sea-salted avocado cream instead! All it requires is thinking outside the box and…

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Kitchari Recipe

Although kitchari may not be a staple meal in many Western households, it holds meaning and significance in Ayurvedic and Indian cooking. Kitchari is a porridge like concoction of mung beans and rice, mindfully mixed with detoxifying herbs and spices. It is traditionally used for cleansing and spiritual practices due to its simple and health…

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