How Changing my Hair Color Accelerated my Business Growth

Before I was a yoga teacher, I worked in the hair industry. I used to wash and color hair. I worked at a hair salon in New Jersey for several years. In fact, I had equal desire to attend cosmetology school as I did yoga school. Interesting blend, I know. After college, my parents gave…

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5 Reasons You Should Do The Things You’re Scared Of…

Fear comes in many forms. I used to think {fear = fluffy tarantula crawling up my leg}… that type of fear… or the type of fear I used to feel when watching the movie Scream as a teenager (holy nightmares). Fear of that nature is only one representation of the vast landscape of fear. If…

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I Hope You Can Trust

I’m done hoping. I have hoped my whole life. I hope I become successful. I hope I am happy. I hope I can travel. I hope I can help people. The list goes on. To me, hope is intricately associated with desire, which brings up conflict. Hear me out. Hoping for something implies that it…

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