Posts Tagged ‘health’
The Real Secret To Success
‘Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.’ -Corita Kent Until stumbling upon this quote at precisely the perfect time, I had not contemplated this profound truth. I re-read the quote nearly twenty times, and finally the ‘A-HA’ lightbulb flickered in my consciousness. The search for success is an epidemic…
Read More7 Spectacular Uses For Coconut Oil
1. Use it as milk in your morning coffee Instead of dairy AND non-dairy milk (which is usually filled with chemicals unless you make it yourself), use 1 two 2 tbsp coconut oil in your morning coffee. Put it in a blender and it will look and taste creamy! Secret revealed! I also add…
Read More7 Interesting and Amazing Uses For Avocado
1. Use it as butter instead of butter. Buy an overly ripe avocado and slather it on a rice cake, add some sea salt, and voila! Gluten free, crunchy, salty, nourishing snack! 2. Make chocolate pudding with it Buy an overly ripe avocado, add cacao powder, honey or coconut sugar, vanilla bean, and sea…
Read MoreFull Moon, Thinking, and Death
So, it was a full moon yesterday. As much of a yogi as I am, I am not steeped in astrology. However, I did live in Costa Rica for many years, and in my little town, it seemed there were more astrologers than stars in the sky. I was constantly reminded of the new moon…
Read MoreOh Know!
The Truth About Knowledge (in an organic nutshell) Get ready for some fascinating, brain bending information and insight. Here’s the catch: you know what you don’t think you know, and you don’t know what you think you know. <<<Please read carefully! Let it sink in. Both are true. Hear me out. Let’s start with…
Read MoreStardust
I’ve been fantasizing… Kundalini rising, Unlocking the snake on my sac— Rum, no alcohol, I’m what you call- A yogi, I schmooze, no need for the booze, Hi, my name is Shayna and I’m kind of insane, uh- Vegetable obsessed, hippie but well-dressed, Happy way too much, I have never heard of such… A smoothie…
Read MoreMindful Materialism
But as an adult working in the fashion industry, I struggle with materialism. And I’m one of the least materialistic people that exist, because material possessions don’t mean much to me. They’re beautiful, I enjoy them, they can enhance your life to a certain degree, but they’re ultimately not important.’ -Tom Ford In yogic philosophy,…
Read More5 Techniques To Get Unstuck
Are you feeling stuck in your life? Do you feel like you have lost your inner compass and are not sure which direction to go? Do you have goals and intentions but don’t know how you will ever fulfill them? Does life seem overwhelming? If so, welcome to being a human in this experience called…
Read MoreBe Self Conscious
self-con·scious [self–kon-shuhs, self-] adjective 1. excessively aware of being observed by others. 2. conscious of oneself or one’s own being. I find the dictionary definition of ‘self-conscious’ to be relatively misleading, but simultaneously profound, deep, and revealing. The first definition translates in a negative light, where the second definition is empowering and uplifting. In…
Read MoreI’ll Take Some Eggs In My Coffee, Please
Forget the traditional plate of eggs with a separate mug of coffee for breakfast. Why not combine them and reap the health benefits? Sound gross? Well, it kind of is… unless you try it and end up getting used to it. A few months ago, I read an article linking numerous health benefits to the…
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