Food, Stress and the Body {PODCAST}

Let’s talk about stress. Actually, who’s not talking about being stressed? Person 1: ‘How are you?’ Person 2: ‘Ugh, so stressed. So busy.’ It seems like the norm. Sadly. We are subconsciously strengthening and perpetuating that anxiety every time we accept it as our own. If we desire to be truly healthy, we must seek…

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The Real Reason You’re Sabotaging Your Health

Self sabotage. The ultimate paradox. It’s a topic far too often discussed with not only my personal health coaching clients but with friends, colleagues, and even strangers. It seems as if not living up to our own standards is some sort of accepted norm. Disappointing ourselves seems to be the trend. The other day, one…

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The Beauty of Impermanence

Despite having been born in October, when I was a kid I remember the intense resistance I felt when the leaves would start falling from the trees. It made me feel sad and lonely, and I had no desire to welcome winter. It evoked the palpable sensations of scarcity, death, and isolation (perhaps that’s subconsciously…

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Read this if you’re scared.

When I was struggling with an eating disorder, my logical mind knew damn well that if I ate more food I would feel better, both in my body and my mind. However, my need to control my surroundings seemed overwhelming and I was not able to let go of the gripping force of nervousness and…

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The Real Reason You’re Not Good Enough

Do you ever feel like what you’re doing in life is not good enough? That you could or should be doing more? Well let me tell you something—you’re right. It’s 100% true. It’s not that what you’re doing is wrong or that you have somehow messed up in life. So leave the victim behind. It…

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The Single Most Important Thing You Don’t Remember You’re Forgetting

  I’m not talking about the house keys, so be prepared to continue locking yourself out on occasion. The reason this forgetfulness is not as easy to catch as simply forgetting your keys or a gift for a friend’s birthday party is because the forgetfulness I am concerned with has not to do with material…

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I’ve been fantasizing… Kundalini rising, Unlocking the snake on my sac— Rum, no alcohol, I’m what you call- A yogi, I schmooze, no need for the booze, Hi, my name is Shayna and I’m kind of insane, uh- Vegetable obsessed, hippie but well-dressed, Happy way too much, I have never heard of such… A smoothie…

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