Don’t Be A Loser

We are constantly wishing to be losers. Just look around. Don’t you see it? It’s everywhere. Whether we wish to lose weight, lose a shitty job, lose a corrupt relationship, or lose a physical illness, the root of our yearnings is LOSS.

Of course we would naturally want to get rid of that which is weighing us down in life, but the only way that can become a reality is when we become winners.

Winning happens before the game even begins. It’s a choice.

Be a winner—what is it you’d like to win? What do you want to gain? Is it self-love? An intimate partner? Is it fitness and a healthy body? Do you want to attract abundance, experience peace of mind, or enjoy a fulfilling career? All of the above? Fine. But first, you must see that for yourself. See it clearly. How does it feel to consider giving yourself permission to receive? Do you even believe that you are worthy of your fundamental cravings in life? And if not, what’s the alternative?

When we focus on losing, we subconsciously suggest fear—constriction. We tighten up and walk through the world like a dried up riverbank. Depleted. Thirsty. We are incapable of being fluid and open to the dormant yet endless possibilities for our bodies and lives when we operate from a place of lack, loss.

The truth is no one wants to lose anything. The things we think we need to lose in order to feel better will vanish on their own accord when we fully allow ourselves to collect what’s been patiently yet not so patiently waiting to be expressed from within. Gain in order to lose. Gain your highest Self in order to lose the that which you’ve been identifying with for so long–the version of you that is stuck in unhealthy habits, repetitive self-sabotaging patterns, and toxic situations.

This has to be a deep understanding within oneself. You must feel your deservingness to receive. You must not blindly follow my words. Go discover yourself. Fall in love with yourself. Make it your own. It can only be your own.

Gain forgiveness. Forgive yourself for fearing your boundless yet veiled potential. Forgive yourself for firmly gripping the inexhaustible fear of your unyielding power.




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