5 Reasons You Should Do The Things You’re Scared Of…

Fear comes in many forms. I used to think {fear = fluffy tarantula crawling up my leg}… that type of fear… or the type of fear I used to feel when watching the movie Scream as a teenager (holy nightmares). Fear of that nature is only one representation of the vast landscape of fear. If…

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Why You Should Love Yourself Less

First off, one thing you may not know about me is I have an abnormal obsession with creating captivating titles… The aside, I mean it. You may have heard the term ‘self-love’ being thrown around as if it’s the secret recipe for an epic life. Well, that and broccoli. I’m not necessarily referring to narcissistic…

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The Reason You Don’t Need A Reason

I am sitting on an airplane on my way to Bali, Indonesia for the first time (in this lifetime at least). Altogether, I’ll be traveling for approximately 24 hours. I am traveling alone. The seat next to me is empty, which makes me unreasonably gleeful. I have some friends in Bali, but all in all,…

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{RECIPE} ‘UN-Chicken’ Vegetable Curry

I have been dying to learn how to make a good curry dish, but I stayed away because I thought it would be super challenging and time consuming. Plus, despite my knack for nutrition, I do not consider myself ‘chef quality’ by any means. And I’m okay with that. Give me some quinoa and an…

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Food & Sex

With a title like that, why write anything more? I don’t know, but I’m going to. People are either obsessed with food or with sex. Or with both. Or with neither. And the people who are obsessed with neither are technically obsessed with both because aversion is still directed energy. Obsession can be positive or…

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Food, Stress and the Body {PODCAST}

Let’s talk about stress. Actually, who’s not talking about being stressed? Person 1: ‘How are you?’ Person 2: ‘Ugh, so stressed. So busy.’ It seems like the norm. Sadly. We are subconsciously strengthening and perpetuating that anxiety every time we accept it as our own. If we desire to be truly healthy, we must seek…

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The Real Reason You’re Sabotaging Your Health

Self sabotage. The ultimate paradox. It’s a topic far too often discussed with not only my personal health coaching clients but with friends, colleagues, and even strangers. It seems as if not living up to our own standards is some sort of accepted norm. Disappointing ourselves seems to be the trend. The other day, one…

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For nearly nine years, I have identified myself as a yoga teacher and health coach. Those were my official credentials, and I felt comfortable in teaching yoga and nutrition. I’ve plenty of personal experience in both, having completely transformed my relationship with my body through yoga and having healed myself of orthorexia through mindful and…

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